When we consciously connect our awareness to the cycles of Nature, our understanding of our own cycles begin to deepen. The Autumn Equinox of 2024, is a time when day and night are approximately equal in length, all over the world. It marks the transition from the brighter half of the year to the darker half, and symbolizes the equality between light and dark, as we honor both natures within ourselves.
This is a time when the trees and plants around us, demonstrate the golden and glimmering qualities of embracing change. They let go of their foliage to release what is no longer needed and begin to draw their energy inward to prepare for a period of rest. During this time we are reminded of our connection to Nature, as our own energetic systems follow and shift into a more inward state of being.
The Equinox invites us to welcome this transition with stillness and intention. It offers an opportunity to find balance within ourselves, to reflect upon our personal fall harvests and realign our energies so that we may bring more harmony into the new season of our spirits.
Join us for a beginner level candlelit Hatha/Tantra Yoga practice and Embodied Meditation experience, where we will ground into the seasonal and spiritual transitions of Fall. We will begin by focusing our awareness inward through gentle grounding and somatic practices, leading into our Hatha/Tantra yoga practice. By integrating mindful movement, balancing pranayama and holding yoga poses in a meditative, internalized state, we can detach from the mind, as we shift into a deeper state of presence, inner peace and harmony. Finally, we will settle into a nourishing and restorative meditation, supported by the vibrational frequencies of Flower Essences.